Another Bassoon disc you might enjoy is

Bill DOUGLAS Feast*, Banana*, Highland*, Funk for Spain*, Jewel Peter
MAXWELL DAVIES Farewell to Stromness, Yesnaby Ground Irving BERLIN
Steppin' Out with My Baby Astor PIAZZOLLA Tango melancolico Raymond SCOTT
Powerhouse*, Dinner Music for a Pack of Hungry Cannibals* Mr. CANAVAN The
Emigrant's Farewello Mathieu LUSSIER Valstango, Bassango Marjan MOZETICH
Odes to the Americas The Caliban Quartet of Bassoonists, with Bill Douglas
(pianoforte) (in his own pieces), *Mark Duggan (percussion), oKate Crossan
(Celtic singer) Recorded at the studios of PJ Productions, Burlington,
Ontario, Canada, June-July 1999 BIS-NL-CD-5012 [73.32] [CH]

Christopher Howell sumarised this discs as follows

I haven't heard such a feel-good record for I don't know how long.  More
records like this might give the lie to Norman Lebrecht's gloom-and-doom
prognostications for the serious music scene.

A full review can be seen at


Len Mullenger
The Internet CD review site