When my daughter was two, we attended a birthday party of another two year
old girl whose parents we knew superficially.  There was a boy the same age
who was a guest at the party.
The girl was given a push-toy vacuum cleaner, identical to the push-toy lawn
mower which the boy had with him, except that the vacuum cleaner was pink
(no kidding) and the lawn mower, red and blue.  The boy started to push the
vacuum cleaner around and make lawnmower noises.
His parents and the grandparents of the birthday girl began loudly
ridiculing him, lisping, doing the limp-wrist gesture which some people
believe represents the behavior of homosexual men, and saying 'OOOOH!'.
When the boy started to cry, they escalated to taunting him for that, saying
he was a big boy now and should fight back, and certainly not cry like a
sissy or a girl.

These people would have said they were Christians of the Protestant variety,
if anyone asked.  I don't for a moment think this behavior was founded on
religious ideology.  The point is that socialization of boys (and girls) can
be appalling in any society, in any religion, and in any family.  Sad but

BTW, while this was going on, my own child was in the playroom breastfeeding
a couple of teddy bears and dolls.  Looking back, it's a good thing these
insensitive people didn't catch her red-handed at THAT.

Rachel Myr

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