I pulled honey this morning using Fischer's Bee-Quick and a Fume board.  As
expected, bees in hives that were mostly in shade were less affected by the
substance.  Heating the top also did not appear to improve the process.  The
repellant, did however remove the majority of the bees in the supers.  It
also moved them off the broken burr comb on the top bars making removing
this easier than when scraping around bees.  After the first hive and a bit
of experience, I found the product to work quite well.  I will make a point
to remove supers, (1)Before there is as much burr comb as I encountered this
year and
(2)When the weather is much warmer.  I think had I removed supers when we
were in the midst of the 90+ degree hot spell a few weeks back, the process
would have been much quicker and cleaner.

Just thought I would pass on my experience with this product.  All in all,
considering the hives I removed honey from are strong hives, there was no
aggressive behavior from any of them.

Since I prefer using environmentally friendly products, I steered away from
the products that required HAZMAT shipping to stay with natural substances.
It smells pretty good too!
