Speaking of the healing power of music, I just found an wonderful site
at http://artists2.iuma.com/preview/requiems which features 10 works,
mostly elegies and requiems, or works like that in various instrumental
and vocal genres.  The performances are uncredited, but I suspect they
are all historic.  In any case each performance is absolutely fantastic!
There's everything there from Lili Boulanger's Pie Jesu to a moving
performance of "O Danny Boy", obviously sung by some great opera singer
of yesteryear.  And then there is a riveting, super poignant performance
of the slow movement of the Brahms Violin Concerto, as well as selections
from Schumann's Dichterliebei in one of the most incredible performances I
have ever heard, and it defineitley is not Dieskau!  Whoever it is -and he
has a kind of light baritone -is out of this world, and so is his pianist.
There is also plenty of Mahler.  It seems to have been put up temporarily
in memoriam to the victims of the tragedy of September 11.  There is also
another address listed that says the site may soon move to

Doug Fields.