Paula Bannerman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I myself tend towards purchasing works which feature certain performers
>and/or orchestras.  I love strong vocal works, string instruments and
>historically significant pieces.  My concentration lately has been to
>build a stronger Jazz collection though <G> classical purchases
>have taken a sideline somewhat.

I myself for the past couple years have tended to purchase works of
Bruckner, Mahler, and some of the French moderns...  I love orchestral...
however, I'm getting worried that I've just about tapped out the current
classical catalog of recordings I'm even remotely interested in...

*MY* concentration lately has been to build a stronger alternative rock
collection...  Started out with "No Doubt" and "The Red Hot Chili Peppers,"
and now I'm moving on to "Nirvana." YEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!  (Now in my
mid-20s, I'm finally starting in on my teen years, apparently!;-)
