Mark Ehlert ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>Didrik Schiele opined:
>>I don't understand why another spends time to even think of Harry Burleigh
>>when there are Mozarts, Bachs, Beethovens and Mahlers around.
>One other word: variety.

And 40-45 years ago Didrik would have written "even think of Mahler when
there are Mozarts, Bachs and Bethoven's around"

And 40 year before that, Bach and maybe even Mozart would have been left

I get sick of listening to the same big-time composers, so I move on to
other ones for a while to cleanse the pallet, so to speak.  In addition,
investigating the Burleighs of music sets the Beethovens and the Bachs
into context.

>I would never listen to Harry Burleigh.  And I could go on for ever

Saying "I would never listen to X" when you haven't heard X is surely what
used to be called prejudice?

Deryk Barker
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