Ed Zubrow wrote:

>Just for the heck of it I looked up the From the Southland, a piano medley
>by Harry T.  Burleigh that I was listening to the other day and the store
>had it.
>Burleigh, by the way is an interesting case.  An African American, he was
>a protege of Dvorak when the latter was in America.  The piano sketches are
>evocative and idiomatic.

I don't understand the point in listening to a composer who nobody
else takes interest in.  I mean, composers whose skill can be argued to
actually be higher quality, so called "underrated" composers, say Hummel
for example, at least has won little recognition.  But of course, if there
are idiots, geeks, bitches, moroons and sluts and all kinds of stupid
people in the world, no way there are not musical idiots, geeks, bitches,
moroons and sluts in the world also.

I don't understand why another spends time to even think of Harry Burleigh
when there are Mozarts, Bachs, Beethovens and Mahlers around. I would never
listen to Harry Burleigh. And I could go on for ever here!

Didrik Schiele