Darrell Acree:

>Richard Pennycuick wrote:
>>While Verdi's centenary and other anniversaries are being celebrated
>>this year, let us not forget the 100th birthday of Louis Armstrong
>>this coming Saturday, 4 August.  Dig out those old Hot Five and Hot
>>Seven records, and be amazed again!
>I believe Richard missed Louis Armstrong's centennial by thirteen
>months, as he was born on July 4,1900, according to Who's Who, but
>anytime is the time to celebrate this Great Musician.

For a long time, I thought that was the date, too, and have several
reference books that say so.  However, 4 August 1901 is now regarded as
the correct date, including at the official website.  Having just acted on
my own advice - I'll *never* get sick of Potato Head Blues - I agree with
Darrell that "anytime is the time to celebrate this Great Musician."

Richard Pennycuick
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