By your description it sounds as though you are "stupifying" the bees with
too much bee-go. When too much bee-go is applied the bees become somewhat
drugged and do not know which way to go. Bee-go applied under a sunny day
may vaporize too fast and do the same thing. When we rob our hives.. first
smoke the bees down good, then apply fume board caddy cornered leaving
small air vents,we squirt beego in a three circles spiraling toward the
center. That is usually enough to do the trick on sunny days. Leave open
for five minutes or so then close all the way. you can also apply a little
extra smoke while caddy cornered to help them down. We rob 3500 hives this
way and don't have any problems most of the time (as long as the fume
boards don't become saturated. Once a week we try to air them out.

Robert Williamson