JUL 24, 2001
   Israelis Urge Boycott of Conductor

   JERUSALEM (AP) -- An Israeli parliamentary committee on Tuesday urged the
   country's cultural bodies to boycott world-renowned conductor Daniel
   Barenboim for performing music by Hitler's favorite composer at Israel's
   premier cultural event.

   Barenboim, a Jew who was born in Argentina but grew up in Israel, conducted
   a piece by Richard Wagner with the prestigious Berlin Staatskapelle at the
   Israel Festival on July 7.

   The original program consisted of the first act of Wagner's opera Die
   Walkuerie, but it caused an outcry in Israel and Barenboim agreed to play
   music by other composers instead.

   However, at the end of the concert he played the overture to Wagner's opera
   "Tristan and Isolde," as an encore. Most of the audience applauded, but
   some protested. Both sides included survivors of the Nazi Holocaust.

   The education and culture committee of Israel's parliament on Tuesday
   condemned Barenboim and called on Israeli cultural institutions to boycott
   him until he apologizes.

   "He should be declared a cultural `persona non grata,"' said committee
   chairman Zvulun Orlev.

   Barenboim is also musical director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

   Copyright 2001 The Associated Press

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