Alexander Atkin <[log in to unmask]> writes:

>For the first time, at 29, I now wish to study classical music more
>formally and possibly start to learn to play an instrument, preferably
>violin or piano.  I was just wondering if anyone has been in a similar
>situation to me and would share their experiences.

I took up piano again in my early twenties after studying it briefly
as a child and then not playing for years.  What helped me most was a
one semester course on music notation at a local community college.  I
tried harmony and counterpoint but found it too difficult at the time.
After some years, I found that I could play some easier pieces from the
Well-Tempered Clavier by J.S.  Bach.  I was glad to be able to do this,
but look forward to Beethoven sontatas which are still too difficult.

Alexander G. Burchell
Wilshire Associates
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