As we all know, Johann Adolf Hasse was a German composer born in
Dresden in 1699 and died in 1783.  He was married to Faustina Bordoni, a
famous Italian singer.  As she had a fabulous voice, Hasse composed his
masterpiece Cleofide in order to let her act as prima-donna, showing to
everybody her wonderful coloratura powers.  The debut of the opera was on
September 1731, with Hasse conducting and Bordoni in the main role.  The
part of Cleofide is extremely difficult to sing.  Does any list member know
if the CAPRICCIO recording of this opera, catalogue number 10193/96 (4 Cds)
is still available? There is an old recording, made live in Sarrebruck,
conducted by Karl Ristenpart, but I dont know if this is a comercial
recording.  Any opinions?

Wilson Pereira
Natal, Brazil.