At 11:53 18/06/01 -0400, you wrote:
>Coffin furniture expert needed.  We have recovered a a small iron coffin
>butt hinge with the initials "V"  "W"  cut into the reverse side.  Any
>suggestions as to what the intials tell us would be greatly
>appreciately.  The  book I have (Russell and Erwin) coffin hardware
>covering  doesn't get into such detail.  Thanks in advance.  JW


You may get more information from coffin and casket makers, as they make to
a standard form.
As times change, the style changes like brass handles turning to plastic
brass looking handles. these are all dated by the manufacturers.
Each coffin maker more or less has their own style so again you may be able
to track down where the coffin was made?
Wish you luck.
