Paolo G. Cordone writes:

>have you ever listened to Nicolaus Bruhns?  Although he was from the
>Northern German Tradition (as opposed to Pachelbel), his fugues,
>preludien and toccatas are great stuff.

I'm going to be getting into Bruhns, although I'm not sure which
recordings to obtain.  After looking around on some web sites, I notice
a Loft recording which has a few organ works by Bruhns.  Also, there's
a Temperaments disc devoted entirely to Bruhns - has a mix of solo organ
pieces and vocal works.  Any recommendations?

Life does take some strange directions.  A year ago, I never would have
predicted that I would now be travelling heavily down the early organ
route.  I owe it all to Froberger, Louis Couperin, and Davitt Moroney.
I got very interested in Froberger harpsichord works which led me to
Moroney's organ disc of Froberger which led to Couperin's organ set by
Moroney; of course, all roads lead through Bach.

Don Satz
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