For years I couldn't get my head around M8 which bothered me as I love
singing and the song parts in M8 are pretty wonderful.  It was something
to value in parts but taking on board the whole conception was difficult
for me.  Then I heard the Haitink Concertegebouw live (albeit on radio)
Christmas performances from Amsterdam.  Suddenly it clicked.  I think what
it happened is that the RCO knows this music so well, they approach it
with love.  They played it witth understanding, warmth and committment,
even (surprising for Haitink) passion.  So often M8 seems to overwhelm
performers who treat it like some kind of sacred cow, to be approached
with awestruck trepidation.  I suspect it's the sheer forces required -
all those choirs and extra personnel roped in from outside inevitably
make it an "occasion".  As usual irreverently, I think about the logistics
of organising performances, the coachloads of performers being bussed in,
audiences filled with proud mums and dads...  Perhaps the sheer size of M8
creates a frame of mind that thinks "lets not get this wrong".

The nice thing about the Haitink Christmas performance was that it was
unusually relaxed and energetic.  The singing was particularly free and
spirited.  For the first time I felt that I could understand how the whole
piece worked, at last it fell into place.  Massimo, what recordings do you
love the best? The only one I listen to regularly is the Mitropulous, live
from Salzburg.  What else would you recommend? Buying new M8's is such an

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