Gretchen Ehrenberg <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>The store is a treasure for those who are into Vinyl (L.P.s, not fetish). ...
>They are not computer savvy yet, but I strongly encouraged the gentlemen
>running the shop to look into this avenue.  For those in the area, I would
>say support them as a resource that should not be given up on.

Rod's name was Horsley.  Dick Sikora is the other surviving partner.
Since Rod's passing, Ed and Roger have inherited his share.  These guys are
friendly and very knowledgeable in matters related to CM.  Like you, I have
been urging them to go on the net for years, but I see no signs of it
happening yet.

If you are into buying records (vinyl and silver disc) in industrial
quantities (like I am), you might appreciate that you can have your stuff
shipped via surface mail (really cheap) and it will get to you in the U.S.
in about a week.  They will process it as a mail order and thus you will
avoid the GST + PST hit (~15%).  Of course, this only makes sense if the
combined tax amount more than offsets the shipping charge.

Another thing about Sikora's: check their wall of used CDs and check those
Canadian EMI titles that never make it to the U.S. (like Hans Rosbaud's
recordings of Don Giovanni and The Marriage of Figaro).  The prices are
scandalously low, even by Canadian standards.

Ramon Khalona
Carlsbad, California
(not associated with Sikora's, except as a customer)