Mats Normann:

>It is like when a Chemist executes an experient that turns out well.  To
>most of people it says no more than magics:  it worked!  On the other hand,
>what can be learnt from is when the experiment goes erratic, and one begin
>to wonder "why?".

Well, I am not a chemist, but I have had my share of failed experiments,
and I have learned much from them - humility, for one thing.  I may be in
urgent need of training in performance judgement or some such, but I like
the Jaarvi Mahler 8 performance, which was a very large upgrade from the
Atlanta Symphony Shaw performance I had before.  And before that, I had the
Wyn Morris LP.  Is there any hope for me, or should I give up listening and
convert my loudspeakers to containers for house plants? What ARE the
preferred performances? And yes, Tony, I will certainly check out your
Mahler site.  But I still like Jaarvi.

Bernard Chasan