Richard Tsuyuki wrote:

>In expanding my music collection lately (it's still pretty basic), I
>have noticed that, listening to different performances of the same work,
>I almost invariably prefer the one I heard first and am most familiar with.
>The preference seems to persist even after repeated listenings of the
>"newer" performance.  This sort of bothers me, as it seems to imply a kind
>of conservative narrowmindedness that I didn't know I possessed.

Don't worry about it.  I had the same experience, still do after 40 some
years (Jeez, let me check that math, yeah still 40 +).  I think it allows
you to listen closer to other performances, and having an opinion is great.
Too many hesitate to express an opinion.  I found it particularly valuable
to learn the music.  Sometimes you'll hear a performance you'll like
better.  Now, that will be exciting.

Also, I agree with the list member who suggested older performances.
I agree.  For a number of reasons I often find 'older' performances

Good listening.


Tom Connor