Mr. Smyth opines:

>Stirling on Death of CM:
>>One might be tempted to call it a conspiracy, but it isn't - it is
>>many thousand small conspiracies....
>There are no conspiracies, just people doing things differently than you
>would.  It's about the Twelve Pitches *not* the Twelve Monkeys.

The defense lawyers for Mitsubishi would love to have you on board their
team.  After all, if there are no such things as conspiracies, then they
can't possibly be guilty of conspiring to fix the price for carbide

So Mr.  Smyth, I am afraid that the vast weight of anti-trust law indicates
that, contrary to what you seem to feel, there are conspiracies in this
world, and they do have an effect, not only on music, but on the price of
steel, vitamins and so on.

Unfortunately for classical music, far too many of our important decisions
are arrived at behind closed doors, by self-selected, self-perpetuating
groups of individuals, who act with great regard for their own careers,
and little regard for art.

Stirling Newberry
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