My .02 on a couple of unimportant topics.

Why do people refer to themselves as "pump stations"?  As in "I'm a pump
station."  Always makes me think of "I'm a little teapot."  You're not a
pump station, you're a person who rents breast pumps.

Ditto for the "Diabetic breast lump."  That one cracks me up, especially
since it's in the title of the professionally published article.  Sorry, but
the breast lump isn't diabetic.  The breast lump is in a person wih
diabetes.  Makes me think of a breast lump existing all by itself, and
needing to give itself insulin shots because it is diabetic (and of course
it's diabetic because it has no pancreas, because it's a breast).

Need to go do something productive with my time.

Kathy Dettwyler

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