In message <[log in to unmask]>, Robert Mann
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>        Several aspects of this interesting discussion quietly imply
>drawbacks of queen-excluders.
In all my experience of major quantities of eggs in a super, the queen
was in there and it was my fault (except one damaged excluder). Like
last week putting a small excluder on as I had run out of the proper
size (wbc vs national in the UK). The recent posts mentioned small
quantities of brood. So, I cannot imagine a queen either sticking her
nether parts through an excluder over a bee space and up to a cell on
the lower edge of a comb or crossing over to lay just 2 eggs in queen
cells. Nor can I imagine a worker laying a diploid egg in just queen
cells. But moving eggs around does seem a likely thing.
James Kilty