Thank you all for the wonderful support for my G2P2 mom with possible FTT.
The nutritionist agreed with the before and after weights!  No bottles at
the moment.  For the first 24 hours mom gave the baby 13 1/2 ounces from
the breast with an ounce gain for the baby overall.  The baby nurses every
3 hours with a cluster feed in the afternoon.  He is 7 weeks old.  His
bowel movements were green and gassy for awhile so thinking lactose and too
early switching from side to side;  I had her switch to one sided nursing
for 3 hours and that was when the poor weight gain (2 ounces/week) started
to show up.  Hindsight...always the best.  We have since gone back to both
sides/nursing, stopped the prenatal vitamins and the bowel moments/gas have
gone back to normal!  We are now adding pumping after each feed and may add
fenugreek to the diet.  He has 5-6 BMs a day and 6-8 wet.  We will look
into a UTI for baby this Friday.  off to the archives for another client
that I am seeing.  Again, thanks for all your words of wisdom.
Carol, RN, CLC

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