Steve Schwartz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>At any rate, has anyone else noticed the similarity between "Hot Diggety"
>and Chabrier's Espana?

Richard Stilgoe wrote & presented a fine celebration of musical larceny
called Used Notes for BBC radio.  As you can imagine, the Ronnie Biggs of
English classicism Handel featured prominently in this piece; & the HD/E
link was made as well (my favorite:  the linking of the Hallelluah Chorus
with Yes, We have no Bananas).  Only available as a broadcast piece as far
as i can tell:  at least, i never seen a transcription of Notes or its
sibling, Who Pays the Piper?, as commercial recording/s.

All the best,
Robert Clements <[log in to unmask]>
endeavour2 project <>