Not long ago I reviewed a few recordings of Bach's Sonatas for Violin
and Harpsichord; one of those versions was on AC Classics with Helga
Ingolfsdottir partnering Jaap Schroder.  About the same time, AC Classics
released Ingolfsdottir's recording of the Goldberg Variations.

I finally obtained the disc and just wanted listmembers to know that after
a couple of listenings I'm very impressed with her performances.  That
doesn't surprise me after hearing her opening Aria; in addition to giving
a luxurious reading the harpsichord sound is about the best I've heard in
recent times.  Please don't take this as any kind of review; I will be
including this fine new version in my round-up review project which I'll
start in a few weeks.

Not to be one-sided, here are a few comments from the review in Fanfare
Magazine: "often heavy-handed aggressive sounding performances on a
closely recorded harpsichord - a surprisingly sluggish rendering of
the initial Aria".  Sometimes I wonder if we're listening to the same
performance.  At any rate, I do urge Bach lovers to investigate this AC
Classics disc; it sounds like a keeper to me.

Don Satz
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