Listmember Ramiro Arguello asked for my opinion of Roussett's set of the
Bach Partitas for Harpsichord.  I would like to have an opinion, but I've
heard very little of the performances.  When the set was issued, I was not
into that repertoire at the time; now, I can't find it in stores or my
usual web sites.  But you all know I'm a patient guy.  The set will show
up at some point in the future.

Decca's treatment of Rousset's recordings is perplexing.  This performer
gets rave reviews, and Decca deletes his recordings almost as fast as EMI
deletes those of Norrington.  I have a sneaky suspicion that Christmas
bonuses for the big managers are tied to the quantity of deletions.  I
should have joined a record company; I love to throw things out.

Don Satz
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