I need a bit of input from others here on the list. First understand I
haven't seen the mom or baby -- it's all been phone communication. The baby
is 6 weeks tomorrow and is just 2 oz. over birth weight. Baby weighed 7lb
13oz at birth with a discharge weight of 7lbs 6ozs.  He dropped to 7lbs 2
ozs. @2 weeks and was 7lbs 9ozs on 3/31 when she initially called me. The
baby has always looked very healthy and has 6-8 very wet diapers and 6-10
stools yellow and seedy occasionally watery. Baby nurses 12-15 x a day and
seems content after most feeds. He likes to be held but mom doesn't feel he
is colicky. She has two other children she breastfed successfully and has
always had an abundant milk supply.  One of my suggestions was to keep baby
on one side for 2-3 hours before switching and to massage and use breast
compression while nursing. My thinking was the hindmilk foremilk imbalance.
This did seem to help as in follow-up calls mom reported that baby gained
and was up to 8lbs 3 ozs last week. But now baby is down again to 7 lbs 15
ozs and at the clinic today the nurse suggested she give formula. She
mentioned towards the end that she had started back to switching back and
forth at the breast again. Baby still is having plenty of wet diapers and
6-10  stools per day. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Chris Clark, IBCLC
BlessingWay Family Services

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