Elizabeth Vogt of Vashon Island,  WA wrote about her bees building two
combs beside Pierco foundation.  I believe its a combination of bee space
and the plastic not being attractive.  If you like this type of comb honey,
use empty frames(no foundation).  I use 9 frame medium supers for honey.  My
extractor is 4 frame.  I was always needing to deal with the extra frame
until I started using the centre frame of each honey super for cut comb.
The centre frame is normally finished first and can be removed before the
super is full( insert another empty frame in its place) or left until the
super is full.  I used full sheets of cut comb foundation at first, cutting
back to part sheets, then to no foundation at all.  IN A GOOD HONEY FLOW the
bees draw out the frame in drone sized comb, then fill it and cap it

Bob Darrell
Caledon Ontario