Albie Cabrera ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>Unlike Mahler, whose earlier works I like, while still not yet connecting
>with his final ones.  #s 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 I REALLY like (yet to hear #3)...
>but I just don't *get* #7,8, or 9...  go figure.

I am a fan of Bruckner's 2nd symphony.  The slow movement is very lovely.
There are beautiful arches of sound until the central section where
the music loses its pulse altogether (I am certain this is deliberate).
The strings and brass then gently emerge towards a noble and visionary
crescendo.  There are exciting passages of vigour and power in the final

I am definately NOT a Karajan fan but like his noble BPO recording of
this unjustly neglected work (apart from the over bright recording -
surely a prime candidate for remastering!).  Chailly does not have the
same structural strength and Tinter is let down by a bass shy recording
that undermines the work's power.

Bruckner's 2nd is a wonderful symphony.

David Harbin
Nottingham, UK