Kevin Sutton wrote:

>This may be a touch off topic, but I have been reading an excellent
>novel which I recommend to my music-loving colleagues. Vikram Seth's "An
>Equal Music" is a fine tale that revolves around the life of a group of
>professional musicians.

I liked this to a point.  The stuff about music was quite good and quite
realistic.  The personal business, the romance, etc., I found boring and
contrived.  Question.  Could this novel have been published today without
the romance? I don't think so.

I wrote a story about a bass trombonist taking an audition.  It's
about 25000 words, too long for a story, too short for a novel, as far as
publishers are concerned.  It's very detailed in the music area.  I touch
on the trombonist's personal interests enough to place the character, but
that's all--maybe 4-5 paragraphs.  The focus is on his practicing,
preparation and the audition itself.

Some who read it found it too detailed about music.  Others complained that
it had too much about his personal life!  Seems like you can't win.

But maybe I did.  Professional musicians who had taken auditions said it
was like going through the real thing.  I think that's a compliment.

Roger Hecht