Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer was born in the 1670 time period.  In 1702,
he wrote a set of twenty preludes and fugues titled Ariadne musica which
might well be the most siginificant forerunner to Bach's Well Tempered
Clavier.  Fischer is well known for incorporating French ballet music into
the German classical dance suite with the result that his keyboard suites
display a more expansive ordering than the suites of Froberger.

The main subject of two Naxos cd's devoted to Fischer's keyboard works is
a set of nine suites titled Musicalischer Parnassus, each one named after
a Muse.  There's some room left over on the second disc which adds two
suites from the Musicalisches Blumen-Buschlein which was written forty
years earlier than the Musicalischer Parnassus.

The best way I can describe the experience of listening to these two
Fischer cd's is to call it a delight from start to finish.  Fischer's
suites are not Bach's and can't provide all the emotional levels of a
Bach composition.  But they are a collection of irresistable little gems
extending from relatively slow, elegant, and tender movements to vivacious
dances.  This is music sure to please anyone having a warm spot for Baroque
harpsichord music.

The performer on both discs is Luc Beausejour whose Goldberg Variations on
Analekta I favorably reviewed in the recent past.  To be able to acquire
this fine music at a very low price performed by an artist of Beausejour's
quality is a great opportunity for collectors.  The sound quality is also
very good; my only reservation is a somewhat low bass response which can
easily be improved upon with the basic audio controls.

Just a short number of weeks ago, I reviewed a two-disc set of Froberger
harpsichord works performed by Remy for CPO.  The Fischer discs are just as
rewarding.  Froberger is the more austere of the two composers, and they
present a favorable contrast to one another.

Don's Conclusions:  I can't think of any reason not to strongly
recommend the Fischer discs on Naxos.  They have price, musical quality,
and excellent performances all in their favor.  The catalog numbers are
8.554218 & 8.554446.  Suites which fall into the pleasant baroque category
often are best to listen to one or two suites at a time.  That's not the
case with these Fischer suites.  The variety of dance type is ample and
insures that boredom does not set in.  When the next sun-drenched and
optimistic day reaches you, treat yourself to Johann Caspar Ferdinand
Fischer.  You won't be sorry.  And if, like me, you have read some reviews
which paint Fischer as being light and not particularly distinctive, don't
pay them any mind.  Just enjoy!

Don Satz
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