The New York Review of Books contains an advertisement from Princeton
University Press (800.777.4726, about a translation
of a book entitled "Sviatoslav Richter:  Notebooks and Conversations".  The
book is scheduled to be published this month.  The advertisement has this
to say:

   "Sviatoslav Richter was a dazzling performer but an intensely
   private man.  Unlike many other star performers, Richter was also
   an intellectual who had interesting things to say, particularly about
   the musician's proper role as interpreter of the composer's art.
   This volume offers readers the sizable pleasure of lingering in the
   thoughts of one of the most important pianists of the twentieth

The book is clothbound and sells for $29.95 USD plus shipping.

I'll wager I am one of the few on this list who heard Richter live.  He
and David Oistrakh performed with the Philadelphia Orchestra under Eugene
Ormandy when I was a boy, and my grandmother trotted me in to Philadelphia
for what she perceived was an historic occasion.

Larry Sherwood
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