Donald Satz wrote:

>I've heard some of the Library of Congress discs - sounded fine to me.
>Also, I've read many reviews which were highly complimentary.  I don't
>know why some folks on the list talk as if the whole world has rejected
>the recordings, but that's far from factual.

Clearly not the whole world...and these judgments are often very
subjective.  I myself don't recall having ever heard those performances.
Not having a very critical ear, I suspect that I might have liked them

In the contra camp, however, the well respected music critic, B.H. Haggin,
who admittedly was occasionally eccentric and always outspoken in his
opinions, but who was a fan of the Budapest String Quartet, described its
later, stereo, performances, contrasted with its earlier, mono, ones, as
having undergone a "deterioration in tone and intonation and even in the
treatment of the music [that] reached the point where the playing was not
only musically unsatisfying but unpleasant to listen to."

Walter Meyer