Regarding mixing breast milk and formula...very interesting point about
degrading some of the antiinfective properties of mother's milk. My
understanding of lactoferrin differs a bit, however. An excellent descriptor
of lactoferrin is in Riordan/Auerbach Breastfeeding and Human Lactation p
140,"Lactoferrin, a potent bacteriostatic iron-binding protein...readily
absorbs enteric iron and thus prevents pathogenic organisms, particularly E.
coli and C. albicans from obtaining the iron needed for survival. Because
exogenous iron may well interfere with the protective effects of
lactoferrin, giving iron suppliments...must be carefully weighed". For this
reason, if we have a mom here who wants to breast/bottle, we give reg.
formula, not iron fortified. But this is in the healthy, term population.
Hopes this helps. I would like to know if others do this as well (no
fortified iron formula with breastfeeding until >6months)...or if I' off
base here. Thanks
Kimberly Jackson, RN (recertifying IBCLC after 10 years)

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