Hello All,
I and help have spent the day going through equipment of a operation I
bought out. At times I can't believe the amount of improperly assembled
equipment i Come across. Makes you want to never buy used equipment.
Improperly wired frames. Leaving out the two nails in the end bars. Not
predrilling holes before nailing causing needless splits in wood parts.
Sadly I burn many pieces which if properly assembled I would have put in
service. Please think of the next beekeeper to use your equipment and put
together properly. I do. The wood came from a proud tree growing in the
forest. Its a shame to throw equipment together wasting a precious resource.
Many times former beekeepers are insulted by a offer for their used
equipment. Boxes with AFB. Boxes solid with wax moth damage. Quite a bit of
elbow grease is involved putting used equipment back in service.
 Letting off steam after a day cleaning up another beekeepers deadouts. A
couple weeks and the job should be done. Then I will feel better looking at
all the equipment ready to go to the bees.
Bob Harrison
Odessa, Missouri
"Thinking junk brings junk price and ready to use equipment bring a quick