Elisheva writes

<However, I have a question about the accounting.>
<. . sadly do not make it are counted
in our infant mortality statistics.>
<In the US, 24 weekers and
similar very early premies are routinely delivered alive, count as live
births and presumably the many of them that sadly do not make it are
in our infant mortality statistics. >

Not to stir up any hornet's nests, but I understand that an individual
nation's abortion policies, availability, affordability, social
acceptability, etc. is an important variable that causes different
patterns in the # of pregnancies that ever reach the stage to be counted
in their birth statistics.

(e.g. in a nation with a "one family, one child" policy, would their
birth and mortality/morbidity statistics and a different nation's birth
and mortality/morbidity statistics mean much if compared?)

In other words, is this discussion in some ways  comparing apples with
oranges? It somehow seems a little fruitless, (pun intended) at least to

While I have no expertise in statistics, I feel on firmer ground
comparing relative rates of specific diseases themselves (otitis media,
etc.) within one population, when known and clearly defined feeding
method is the main variable.

K. Jean Cotterman RNC, IBCLC
Dayton, Ohio USA

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