Linda Phillips responds to me:

>>The U.S. has been a great source of 'contribution' to many areas of
>life, but art music is not one of our strengths or priorites.
>Hello?  Has no one here ever heard of Charles Ives, Samuel Barber, John
>Cage, Morton Feldman, Virgil Thompson, Alan Hovhaness, Lou Harrison,
>Harry Partch.......

Linda continues and lists 21 additional U.S. composers, and I've heard of
every one of them.  However, I am not attempting to point out that there
are not a large number of classical composers of stature from the U.S.  My
point was simply that our society pays little attention and gives little
support to the world of Art, and I make no value judgement concerning the
situation.  I also hope that the discussion does not degenerate into a
"This country's composers are better than those in the other country".
In my view, there is one nation of composers.

Don Satz
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