Robert Peters:

>>> is not so easy to give up the attitude of being a better and more
>>>noble being just because one loves classical music.

Deryk Barker added to Bernard Chasan's counterinstance as follows:

>And Rheinhard Heydrich - Hitler's deputy until his 1941 (2?) assassination in
>Yugoslavia (which led to the complete destrctuion of the village of Lidice) -
>was reputedly a superb violinist.

Czechoslovakia, actually, or the Sudetenland as the Nazis chose to call the
part of it which Heydrich ruled over (as Gauletier of Bohemia-Moravia).  He
was assasinated in 1942.

The following year, Martinu composed 'Memorial to Lidice' (H296), a funeral
ode to commemorate this Nazi reprisal whereby the village was razed and
every man executed.  The Largo to his Symphony No.  1 (H289) was supposedly
his first musical response to the atrocity.

Bert B.