Robert Clements:

>(Also DSCH-inspired - but officially retired for serious health
>reasons - is the dean of English symphonists, Sir Malcolm Arnold.

Much as I love the Arnold symphonies, I still think this title belongs to
Vaughan Williams.

>Best known as a composer of popular miniatures, Arnold's symphonies are a
>very different kettle of rallentendo indeed: multiple recordings of these
>works are available on Naxos, Conifer, Chandos & EMI.  The shattering - &
>supposedly unperformable - 9th symphony on Naxos is as dark a place to
>start as any on these musical maps of hell)

I haven't kept tabs on the Hickox series on Chandos but I believe it's
complete.  The Handley on Conifer is, very regrettably, nla, Penny's
on Naxos seems to have either stalled or been discontinued, and EMI has
only Nos 1, 2 and 5, if they're still available.  I'd agree with Robert's
suggestion of the 9th as a place to start: equally dark is the 7th
symphony which is angry, bleak, dissonant and, IMO, Arnold's finest
symphony.  Its second movement in particular is one of the most unsettling
pieces of music I know.

Richard Pennycuick
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