OK. Right up front I admit this is probably a stupid question.  But I
will ask it anyway.  My wife and I will be traveling to Italy for a couple
of weeks next month.  Frankly, it is my first extended trip anywhere; ever.
Like others on this list, I often have classical music going from the
moment I wake up until *after* I've fallen asleep at night.  For as many
of those hours as possible, I also have a book of some sort open in front
of me.

Now, we have been told repeatedly to "pack light," and then before leaving
to eliminate half of what we've packed.  That being the case, my wife has
laid down the law and told me I can't follow my normal routine when we go
to Nantucket for a week each summer of packing a duffle bag full of CDs and

I am looking forward to the trip and the things we will see and experience.
But I'm dreading the 9 hour flight.  What suggestions do you "savvy"
travelers have for me so that I won't suffer withdrawl from CD's and book?
