Steve Schwartz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>John Dalmas replies to me:
>>>The one success that eluded [Morton] Gould was Broadway and pop song.
>>I would say that success eluded Gould generally.
>Actually, he was one composer who could live off his royalties.  That
>argues strongly for success.

His conducting, arranging and piano playing didn't just buy chopped liver.

>>>Gould is one of those American interwar and postwar musicians - along
>>>with Piston, Diamond, Schuman, Sessions, Mennin, Fine, Talma, Hanson,
>>>Foss, Blitzstein, Lees, Bergsma, Shapero, and Thomson - too good to lose.
>>I find this an example of extravagance by association.
>Really?  Why?  Who's on the losing end?

Pick one!

Actually, if I had to choose just one who is diminished considerably by
adding Gould's name to the list, and I say considerably, it would be

John Dalmas <[log in to unmask]>