Bernard Chasan wrote:

>I agree.  A discussion of great music from underappreciated composers would
>be far more interesting.  In fact for me, this list is most interesting and
>enlightening.  when participants discuss favorite music which is not well

Thank you Dr. Chasan. I was wondering when someone would turn this
discussion into something positive. On that note, I would like to cast a
vote for  Kurt Atterberg, whose music I just recently discovered. On a whim
I picked up a copy of the cpo disc of his third and sixth symphonies. After
a couple of listens, I went out and bought one and four, and anxiously
await Ari Rasilainen and the Hannover Radio Symphony to finish the cycle.
This is bold, delightful, colorful music which I have enjoyed greatly. I
know very little about this composer. If there are champions of his out
there, I would love to read your comments about his life and work.

Kevin Sutton