Drew Capuder <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Does anyone know where to find a reasonably detailed description of the
>discs available on Dante Records?

Try their website, www.pl-music.com (You must allow cookies to be set with
your browser to view this properly)

>Maybe its deleted. Anybody know where to buy it?

The above website, or even cheaper, from Berkshire Record Outlet
(www.broinc.com), where it is selling for less than $30.

>Finally, does anyone have any views on the quality of recordings of
>the various currently available versions of the Schnabel EMI Beethoven
>recordings.  The competitors appear to be EMI, Dante, HPC, and Pearl.

I had the EMI and got rid of it (terrible transfers).  I have the Dante
box (Dante and HPC are the same, btw) and some of the Pearl issues.  Pearl
has the best piano tone, but the price you pay is increased surface noise.
Dante offers the best compromise between piano tone and surface noise, and
it would be my first recommendation at this point.

Ramon Khalona