Donald Satz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>...  Although I have not included the new Delme Quartet AOF in my
>survey (deadline not met), I have been listening in my car to their
>unfinished and finished versions of the Great Fugue the past few days.
>It's a wonderful performance.  For better or worse, it is also my current

I am glad to hear this.  I ordered this through BMG and should be getting
it any day now.

Many thanks for your comprehensive coverage of KdF.  If you get a chance,
do try to hear Ristenpart's recording of the Bitsch & Pascal orchestration.
His unfinished fugue (initiated by trombones) never fails to send chills up
my spine, and I try not to listen to it too often.

>I was disappointed in the performances of the Keller Quartett which
>tend toward fast speeds and some deficiency in conveying the beauty
>and depth of Bach's music.

Same here.  I can see how period instruments people might love this, but
the majesty of Bach is just not there for me.

>As for me, I'm keeping each recording.  Every one of them has something
>remarkable to offer.  But what's most remarkable is Bach's Art of Fugue
>itself.  He does have his own basic theme to work with.

On the same page.  Have you heard the recording for Saxophone Quartet? And
Bill Malloch's "Art of Fuguing".  Not for purists to be sure, but really

Ramon Khalona