Nelson Freire is an unsung hero along somewhat similar lines, though not as
starkly intense as Kovacevich, and he doesn't have a Beethoven set out:-)
I've heard praise from many re Kovacevich's set, though a few prefer a
lighter approach

With your tastes in pianists, you might enjoy Freddy Kempf's Rachmaninov
CD. I'd keep my ears out, too, for a young fellow named Daniel-Ben Pienaar
(UK and So.Africa).   Definitely hear Grigory Ginsberg (sometimes spelled
Ginzburg) on the Great Pianists set, if you haven't yet.  Just amazing

AND, for a zingfest, for free, on listen to Sergio Fiorentino's
amazing Liszt Feux Follets, at

Argerich is not heard much in Beethoven though there is now a video (DVD)
available in Japan, the Beethoven PC 1 with Ozawa, which I link to on my
Argerich page.  It's excellent.

There is a broadcast audio-recording not commercially available, of the
Beethoven Op. 10, #3 (Sonata 7), and I have the slow movement available on
my server (in a lower quality mp3 format in case the recording should ever
become commercially available)  to show what her playing is like in more
classical-era works and of course in quieter movements than the ones for
which she's generally known -- it's the slow ones I especially enjoy.

For the few who might be interested: Beethoven, Op 10, #3, Sonata
#3,  2nd movement.  For normal modems and Internet Explorer:


For normal modems and Netscape:

I'd like to hear what others think of this, as it goes against
stereotype, in my view.

Don Manildi has a long, excellent article in Musical America, on the
annual edition's Musician of the Year (Argerich).  Those interested in
Argerich's playing and curious about the reasons for her disinterest in
playing solo recitals can read this online at

Otherwise, that edition costs over $100 from what I've heard.  Maybe
it comes with the annual subscription, which is $115 a year or so.

 Available recordings, interviews, articles