Walter Meyer said,

>How much significant information on Beethoven could researchers have
>discovered in the last 34 years that had remained unknown for the previous

Obviously Walter is uninformed of- or unappreciative of- the strides in
psychology, which provides enormous insight into the character and mindset
of those who lived long ago, that have been made over the past generation!

More seriously, there is one interesting fact about Beethoven that I
believe has only come to light in the past year: starting in his early
twenties, he suffered from lead poisoning.  I cannot provide a reference-
well I admit, I heard it on National Public Radio- but the report I heard
sounded authoritative and was backed up by chemical analysis of his hair.
Lead poisoning also is consistent with symptoms he reportedly complained of
throughout his adult life.  The report I heard was careful to say the lead
poisoning was not responsible for his demise, but they carefully avoided
saying what was responsible.

Larry Sherwood