Laurence Sherwood wrote:

>As for the specific performance I heard, well I did wonder to what extent
>the less-than-wholly satisfying performance Miss Ngenyama gave of the
>partita was a result of playing it on the viola.  ...  my guess is that
>was a minor part of it: I'll wager the Bach partitas could be played on
>the viola in a musically satisfying way.

Well, I'll admit to launching my previous diatribe without being totally
clear on the specifics of that performance.  Mainly, did Miss Ngenyama
indeed transcribe down for the viola, or did she simply play the violin
part on the viola? If it was transcribed down, then I agree, it might sound
odd at first, but yes I think it could end up quite satisfying...  however,
if it was the latter (violin part on viola), then that would just be a
ludicrous virtuosity stunt...  which is what I reflexively assumed the
performance was.  I'll gladly retract my previous statement if I had
assumed wrong...  but if I was right on my first assumption...  which I now
hope I am NOT (cuz then she'd just be the God of the viola!)...  yeesh!
