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Full-name: Lshea3
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Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 07:18:13 EST
Subject: Re: pituitary
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Gloria wrote;

<< Second child is 3 weeks old.  6 lbs 14 oz at birth, 6 lbs 9 0z at discharge
and 7 lbs 8 oz at two weeks.  mom is concerned about milk production.  Baby
has not had bm for 4 days.  >>
Hi Gloria,
Although weighed on different scales, this baby has gained approx. 15oz in 11
days! No problem here!
The frequency of BMs CAN have little to do with weight gain at this age and
actually , ime, babes that seem to cut way back on stooling at the typical
time period (3-5 wks), seem to have greater than average wt. gain.
Get the baby weighed, that is the issue here.
The Mom's milk supply has cut back, I'm sure, she is 3 wks. pp AND
supplementing, that is a non issue with, again, the issue being; is the baby
gaining well?
you write;
>>I think baby is getting enough and then "snacking"  each feed. <<
I agree with this and your other suggestions as well. Why were prolactin
levels checked?
Lynn Shea Rn,Bsn,Ibclc