Amy Chastek wrote:

>I am new to this work.  My budget version on Naxos seems inadequate
>(Halasz/NicEstSin).  What other versions are preferable? Why? What
>others do I avoid?

My favorite recording is by Hogwood and the Academy of Ancient
Music on L'Oiseau Lyre/Decca (with all-male choir).  This performance
is based on Richard Maunder's edition, which includes his
completion/additions/revisions of the "Et incarnatus" and "Sanctus"
movements.  I really can't give a reason why I care for it; I just like it.

My number two choice would be Gardiner/English Baroque Soloists (with mixed
choir) on Philips.  It sports some fine solo vocal singing as well as a
fantastic rendition of Mozart's stand-alone Kyrie in D minor.

(Note that both groups perform on period instruments.)

Mark K. Ehlert