Kevin Sutton offers prizes:

>DG panorama series 2disc sets of Mussorgsky and Debussy, various works.
>Cedille recording of Frank Ferko's Stabat Mater Bach Trio Sonatas played
>by The Rare Fruits Council on Astree records.  And Piffaro's "A Flemish
>Feast" cd of Renaissance instrumental music on Archive to the person who
>correctly answers the following music quiz.

I enjoyed the quiz, but - with all respect - I don't think the prizes were
too impressive.  Ferkos Stabat Mater is perhaps what I should give to a
unknown prizewinner.  Should I give it to a person I knew? Hardly.  I know
of much music that would be a more safe gift.  Should I give it to a good
friend? Never.

I have though a recording of Schuberts "The Trout" in a wonderful
arrangement for strings, glockenspiel, vibraphone and celesta.  It is
perhaps the most colourful and joyous music I ever heard (as in this
format).  It really makes at least me happy whenever I listen to it.  Now
THAT is what I should give away to a very good friend.

What are others favourite give-away-music?

Mats Norrman
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[I'll bet this is the last time Kevin offers a quiz with prizes. :-) -Dave]