Did anybody listen to the recent recording on ECM by Paul Giger
called *Ignis* (works for violin, string trio and choir - in various
combinations).  I just wonder if this peculiar sound one can hear several
times during the recording, that reminds strangely of a distant car-alarm
(I mean this stealing protection stuff), is an integral part of the
performance or due to some open window in the recording location (a church
in Tallin).  It is not indicated on the disc, that this is a live recording
(there are no coughs, with one exception).  I wonder why the pieces in
question were not re-recorded.  This sound is quite disturbing, especially
with such quiet music like on this disc!

Achim Breiling

[My sincere thanks, Achim, that's the best chuckle I've had all week.  -Dave]